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What is included in the class (€120), Discounted rate of €100 if you do not have private health insurance or a similar scheme that covers part of the cost.
–5 baby massage classes, each class usually lasts up to 2 hours (5 classes may run over 6-7 weeks to facilitate Bank Holidays etc). What we cover in each class is explained below.
-Maximum of 6-10 adults per class, €120/€100 per adult attending, so if both parents want to attend, the cost is €240, if one parent attends with twins its €120/€100.
-A Specific handout the Baby Massage Ireland has prepared for their instructors to distribute to parents attending.
–Class handout specifically prepared by Adeline for her Baby Massage classes.
–Free Car parking for the duration of the Celbridge class, parking for the Maynooth class is free.
-Links to specific topics that we will cover in the class plus additional notes
–The option to repeat a full 5 week series of Baby Massage or a 6 week series of beginner Pilates for free if you are also attending a Beginners Pilates class with Adeline.
-Option for Baby and Daddy to attend a one off Dads only baby massage class on occasional weekend mornings.
What we cover in each class: Each class is broken into 2 parts: 1 hour massage and 1 hour discussion
Massage Covered
Please bring whatever oil/cream that you and baby have used at home, if your baby has a skin condition, please contact me for recommendations.
Week 1: Legs and Feet, Gentle Movements
Week 2: Tummy and Special Tummy massage to help with tummy problems
Week 3: Chest, Face and Back. 95% of the massage is now covered so the next 2 weeks are mainly revision
Week 4: Arms
Week 5: Revision
Discussion Topics
Week 1: Communicating with Baby and Language development
Week 2: Tummy problems
Week 3: Sleep (not sleep training)
Week 4: Development and how it impacts on writing, running etc. and Overstimulation
Week 5: Revision and any other topics of interest to the group